Organic Rose Floral Water – 100ml


100 ml brown glass bottle with pipette (3.38 Oz)

Organic Rose floral water is renowned for its soothing and purifying properties. It is particularly recommended for restoring radiance to the complexion and combating the signs of skin aging.

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Organic Rose floral water

This information is given for information purposes only, and is taken from the book “CosmĂ©tiques : faites-les vous-mĂȘme” published by Éditions Bleu Majorelle.

There’s a truly magical place in Morocco, on the slopes of the High Atlas mountains. This is the verdant Dades valley, at an altitude of 1,500 meters, whose beauty contrasts with the surrounding ochre mineral landscape.
It has been nicknamed the Valley of Roses. This is where Moroccans lovingly cultivate this uniquely fragrant plant.
And every year in May, when the flowers are in bloom, the inhabitants of Keela M’Gouna and other surrounding villages set off early in the morning, between dawn and dusk, to delicately hand-pick the flowers that will be distilled fresh the same day to obtain rose water, a major ingredient in natural cosmetics.

The species that produces roses for distillation (Rosa damascena) is a very old rose, a cross between Rosa gallica and Rosa phoenicia.
It’s a fairly tall shrub, reaching up to 2 meters. Its stems are armed with branches covered with irregular thorns, the largest scythe-shaped, mixed with bristles. Leaves have 5 to 7 toothed leaflets, smooth above and pubescent below.
The flowers are of course pink, arranged in clumps. The calyx, short, turbinate or conical, is always exposed at the top.
The fruit is ovoid, covered with prickles and containing hairy achenes.
Odorants accumulate in the cells of the petals’ epidermal layer. Aromatic concentration is highest between 6 and 9 am.


Rose water is a hydrosol obtained by distilling the flowers. It takes place in a still. The process consists in passing water vapor through the flowers, taking on their molecules.
The plant is placed in a vat (now made of stainless steel), which is then placed on top of a boiler. The water in the flowers turns to steam and bursts the plant’s cells, containing the volatile aromatic molecules it picks up during the heating process.
The water vapor containing the aromatic molecules passes through a refrigerated coil, where condensation occurs.
A Florentine vase separates the heavier water from the lighter essential oil, which floats to the surface.
Recovered rose water, loaded with small quantities (less than 5%) of naturally dissolved aromatic molecules, is known as rose “hydrolat”. These hydrolats are beneficial to health and beauty.

Rose essential oil, which is extremely rare, since distilling a ton of fresh flowers produces only… 30 grams of essential oil!
This explains its very high cost. In perfumery, this rose essential oil is “unaffordable”, so we use what we call rose absolute, which is obtained in a different way to classic distillation.
Extraction is carried out using a solvent to separate the aromatic molecules. Rose absolute has a fragrance that belongs to the “floral” olfactory family.
This fragrance is rich, suave, opulent and heady. It evokes love and carnal sensuality. Two major fragrances contain rose absolute: Chanel’s “NumĂ©ro 5” and LancĂŽme’s “TrĂ©sor”.


Rose water, as mentioned above, contains the aromatic molecules of flowers: citronnellol, geraniol, nerol, linalool, eugenol, farnesol, limonene, citral, geranial.


Given its properties, it’s easy to see why rosewater is so popular as a cosmetic ingredient, being: astringent, purifying, moisturizing, soothing, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, healing, hemostatic.


Organic rose floral water is most often used pure as a lotion: make-up remover, tonic lotion, anti-dark circle lotion (as a compress over the eyes).
Incorporated into cosmetics, it works wonders in particular for tightening dilated pores (being astringent), giving the skin a smooth, soft appearance. This astringency is ideal for oily skin.
It regenerates and revitalizes problem, tired, lackluster and irritated skin. And our grandmothers were well aware that rosewater is invaluable for wrinkles.

Bibliographical reference

100 ml bottle in recyclable and reusable brown glass.
Preserve organic Rose floral water from light.
Equipped with a pipette for precise drop-by-drop dosing of your organic Rose floral water.

Precautions for use

Natural ingredients for cosmetic use are active products. For this reason, we recommend a test application in the crease of the elbow before use.
Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach and sight of children. Cosmetic product for external use. Store in a cool place, away from air, moisture, light and heat. Close the bottle tightly after each use.

Our products
“Le Jardin de Sidi B” products are made in France from raw materials from all over the world, rigorously selected by our quality department. For each ingredient, we have a complete set of data attesting to its safety. safety of raw materials and their origin or organic origin.

We work to minimize the number of intermediaries between producer and consumer, and take particular care to ensure that the products we sell are of the highest quality.(1) we offer you respect people and nature thanks to local logistics and modes of transport that are as environmentally-friendly as possible.

Our products(1) are packaged in France by ICNV (
) registered with the Chambre des MĂ©tiers et de l’Artisanat ISO 22716 standard and registered with ANSM as a cosmetics establishment. French SME offers an innovative Boutique-Laboratory concept (link to video) and totally in line with our philosophy.

Le Jardin de Sidi B attaches particular importance to the quality of its products and safety of its customers.

Additional information

Weight 0,300 kg
Dimensions 16 × 12 × 8 cm

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