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What are the benefits of psyllium?

If you’re wondering which dietary supplement to choose, the first question to ask yourself is, “What are my nutritional requirements?” This depends on various factors such as your lifestyle, your health goals, and your diet.

Depending on your specific needs, there’s a wide range of psyllium dietary supplements, designed to address distinct nutritional concerns.

1/ For regular digestion and daily support:

If you’re looking for a dietary supplement to promote regular digestion on a daily basis, psyllium from our “Balanced Digestion” range could be a wise choice. Psyllium’s benefits come from its natural properties, which help to maintain healthy digestive function, while promoting intestinal transit.

These supplements contain soluble fibers that act gently on the digestive system, providing daily support without irritation. They can be particularly beneficial in maintaining intestinal balance, promoting regularity and reducing digestive discomfort.

2/ For overall intestinal well-being:

If you’re looking for a dietary supplement to promote overall intestinal well-being, our “Intestinal Balance” range offers products enriched with psyllium. These supplements are formulated to support a healthy microbiotic balance, reinforcing the overall health of your digestive system.

By choosing psyllium as a dietary supplement, you’re opting for a natural approach that can make a positive contribution to your daily digestive well-being. Remember to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or supplementation program.

3/ For specific weight loss support:

If your goal is weight loss, our “Weight Control” range offers specially formulated psyllium supplements. These products are designed to help you achieve your goals in a healthy way, by contributing to the feeling of satiety and regulating appetite.

By incorporating psyllium into your weight management program, you benefit from its natural properties that promote optimal digestion, while supporting your efforts to maintain a balanced weight.

As followers of a wellness lifestyle, psyllium becomes a central part of your daily routine.
In fact, it’s often the first dietary supplement you incorporate into your life! In other words, this choice will be crucial if you want to enjoy harmonious digestion without suffering the vagaries of daily life or intestinal imbalances. But sometimes it’s hard to keep track…
So here’s the complete guide to incorporating psyllium into your routine and reaping its full benefits!

The choice to use psyllium (from your psyllium supplement) is influenced by various factors:
the nature of your digestive needs, the frequency of your consumption, your dietary lifestyle, and of course, your general state of health.
All these considerations will help you find the ideal complement, so that its integration into your routine is synonymous with well-being and tranquillity.
With the right dosage, all you have to do is feel the benefits and enjoy harmonious digestion!

What is psyllium?

Psyllium, from its French name ispaghul, is a plant native to India. It has been used for centuries in India and Pakistan to regulate transit. It is particularly appreciated for its ability to absorb water and form a viscous gel. This characteristic is due to the presence of mucilage, a gelatinous substance found in psyllium seeds. When mixed with water, psyllium takes on a gel-like consistency, making it a natural thickening agent.

The main components of psyllium are soluble fibers, which consist mainly of hemicelluloses, cellulose and mucilage. These soluble fibers are beneficial to digestive health and play a key role in the benefits attributed to psyllium. Often used in powder, capsule or tegument form. The tegument, also known as the psyllium husk, is the outer part of the plant’s seed. It’s a substance rich in soluble fiber, consisting mainly of mucilage. Mucilage is a gelatinous substance that forms a viscous gel when mixed with water. It is also a common ingredient in some fiber-enriched food products.

What’s more, it is recommended for relieving constipation and facilitating intestinal evacuation by the WHO (World Health Organization) and ESCOP (European Scientific Commission on Phytotherapy).

Psyllium: a natural remedy for constipation?

Psyllium is often used as a natural remedy for constipation. Psyllium seeds are rich in soluble fiber, particularly mucilage, a gelatinous substance that absorbs water and forms a viscous gel. When consumed, psyllium increases stool volume and softens it, facilitating its passage through the intestinal tract.

The laxative effects of psyllium are useful for relieving constipation. By increasing the fiber content of your diet, you can stimulate intestinal transit and prevent the formation of hard, difficult-to-evacuate stools.

To treat constipation with psyllium, it’s important to drink enough water. Psyllium’s soluble fibers absorb water and form a gel, which can help regulate bowel movements, but adequate hydration is essential to avoid any risk of aggravated constipation.

Why take psyllium?

Psyllium can be taken or recommended for a variety of reasons. Mainly because of the health benefits associated with its high soluble fiber content. The most common reasons for incorporating psyllium into your daily routine are as follows:

  • Regulating intestinal transit: Thanks to its exceptional mucilage content, composed of cellulose and hemicellulose, psyllium is emerging as a formidable ally in the management of gastrointestinal disorders, acting against both constipation and diarrhea. As a transit regulator, it normalizes stool consistency.
  • For constipation: psyllium seeds absorb large quantities of water, forming a gel that stimulates intestinal peristalsis. This process promotes reflex contraction of the intestinal walls, facilitating stool evacuation. Gastrointestinal transit time is reduced, and stool weight is increased.
  • In case of diarrhea: the gel formed by the seeds increases water retention, delaying gastric emptying. Stools become less liquid and less frequent.
  • Cholesterol: psyllium’s soluble fibers play a key role in binding cholesterol in the intestine, reducing its absorption. This action helps lower blood cholesterol levels, thus promoting cardiovascular health. In conjunction with appropriate dietary and nutritional measures, incorporating psyllium into your diet can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Glycemia: Psyllium reduces glucose absorption, helping to lower blood sugar levels. For optimum effectiveness, psyllium should be taken in the middle of a meal. When mixed with water and food, psyllium swells, capturing the sugar and allowing it to be absorbed more slowly and less completely. This can be beneficial for people with diabetes or those seeking to maintain balanced blood sugar levels.
  • Weight loss: Psyllium can be a valuable ally in weight loss. Its impact on blood sugar levels is one of its major assets, although its action is not absolute and does not extend to the complete absorption of ingested fast sugars.

Nevertheless, psyllium can play a significant role in weight regulation and can help you lose a few kilos by providing a feeling of rapid satiety, without excessive calorie consumption. This time, it’s the effects of mucilage and fiber that come into play: by expanding in the stomach, they help you feel full, which can reduce the risk of cravings or overeating.

  • Preventing hemorrhoids and anal fistulas: Psyllium can offer relief to sufferers of hemorrhoids and anal fistulas by reducing bleeding and associated pain.

When should you take psyllium?

1/ For which objectives

Psyllium can be taken at any time of year, as it is not seasonal. However, the timing of psyllium intake often depends on individual needs and the specific reasons why you are taking it. Here are some general guidelines based on your needs.

First of all, if you’re using psyllium to treat persistent constipation, it can be taken on an ongoing basis as recommended by your healthcare professional. Regular intake can help maintain regular intestinal transit.

If you use psyllium to help reduce cholesterol levels or stabilize blood sugar, follow your healthcare professional’s recommendations in terms of dosage and frequency.

Last but not least, psyllium helps prevent constipation and the problems mentioned above. In this case, regular use may be recommended.

2/ At what time of day

One of the most frequently asked questions about psyllium is when to take it. In reality, it depends on your preferences, habits and lifestyle.

You can take it in the morning. Indeed, some people prefer to take psyllium in the morning to benefit from its effects on regulating intestinal transit throughout the day. This can be particularly beneficial for those with constipation problems.

Taking psyllium around 30 minutes before a meal can help create a feeling of satiety, which can contribute to weight management by preventing overeating.

Others prefer to take psyllium with meals to help stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing carbohydrate absorption.

Some people find it advantageous to take psyllium in the evening, especially if they wish to benefit from its effects on intestinal transit regulation the following morning.

Finally, some health professionals recommend taking psyllium twice a day, for example in the morning and evening, to ensure continuous coverage of digestive health benefits.

How do I take psyllium?

1/ How to use psyllium

How to take psyllium actually depends on its form. For psyllium powder, start by measuring out the recommended dose, mix carefully with a liquid of your choice, and drink immediately. Be sure to drink an extra glass of water afterwards to maintain adequate hydration. You can also mix it with juice, yoghurt or compote.

If you opt for capsules or single-dose sachets, follow the product’s specific instructions, generally taking them with a full glass of water.

Whatever form you choose, pay close attention to your individual reaction and adjust the dosage to suit your needs. Consult a health care professional before incorporating psyllium, especially if you have pre-existing health problems. Hydration is crucial to maximizing the benefits of psyllium, so make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. By tailoring your approach, you can make the most of psyllium’s benefits to support balanced digestion and optimal intestinal health.


2/ Determine the format that’s right for you

To help you make the right choice, here’s a final criterion to consider when choosing the format that’s right for you.
For all those concerned about their digestive well-being, we’ve created a practical option with our 120-capsule psyllium format, offering a simple and suitable solution. This use would be particularly suitable for those who might feel apprehensive about a possible choking hazard.
If you only need a small quantity, you can opt for smaller formats, such as single-dose sachets or 150g sachets. These options are ideal for light, occasional use.
On the other hand, if you intend to use psyllium on a regular basis or for an extended period of time, the larger formats, such as the 300g tegument sachet or the 1kg pack, may be better suited to your needs.
You’ll also love its extra-fine 300g powder format, which is also vegan. Ideal for everyday use or cooking.
In this case, it would be wiser to choose a quantity adapted to your use, for a continuous and efficient experience.

psyllium 1kg

This classic format is suitable for both the regular psyllium consumer and the novice. In particular, you can use it in the kitchen

Discover psyllium 1kg
psyllium en gélule

Our certified ethylene oxide-free organic psyllium is easy to use. In fact, it makes psyllium easier to consume.

Discover psyllium capsules
psyllium en sachet unidose

Single-dose sachets allow you to use psyllium when traveling or hiking, or in small quantities to start your psyllium intake.

Discover psyllium in single-dose sachets

What is the recommended dose of psyllium?

The final crucial factor to consider when choosing ispaghul is the right amount for your body.
Who knows how much they have to ingest if they haven’t made this product part of their routine? Certainly not many of us. However, the amount of psyllium you include will greatly influence the desired results.
First and foremost, it’s crucial to note that the appropriate dose of psyllium may vary depending on your body. It’s a good idea to experiment with different quantities to find the one that works best for you.

If you don’t plan to consume large quantities of psyllium, or if you prefer a light approach, it’s advisable to start with a moderate dose, ideal for everyday use. One tablespoon of psyllium a day corresponds to moderate use.

However, if your goals involve a larger dose, such as supporting digestion or promoting bowel regularity, you might consider a more substantial amount of psyllium.

If necessary, you can gradually increase the daily dose to a maximum of 3 tablespoons (30 g) per day, in several doses. It’s important to drink enough fluids during and after psyllium intake to maximize its benefits. We recommend that you consult a professional before incorporating it into your routine.

Precautions for use


Psyllium is not recommended in cases of intestinal obstruction.
Avoid psyllium if you have swallowing problems.
Consult your doctor before taking psyllium if you have poorly controlled diabetes. If authorized, monitor your blood sugar regularly.
When taking a treatment, space the doses 2 hours apart.

Undesirable effects :

Be aware of the risks of allergic hypersensitivity associated with psyllium.
Make sure you drink enough water to avoid the risk of intestinal obstruction.

Warnings and precautions for use :

Consult your doctor if diarrhea persists beyond 3 days.
If constipation persists for more than 7 days, consult your doctor.
To avoid any risk of intestinal obstruction, make sure you drink an adequate amount of water or liquid.

Now that you’re well equipped, it’s time for intestinal well-being!
Now that you’re ready to explore the benefits of psyllium, let’s get started on the path to well-being!

Discover our psyllium range

Expert opinion

AnaĂŻs Roynard Nieloud

Psyllium is an essential ally for intestinal health and transit. Constipation is a frequent reason for naturopathic consultations. My customers rarely know about this product, and as soon as they try it, they adopt it and keep it preciously in case of transit slowdown, for example.


Our sources – bibliography

Books :

Attaluri, A., Donahoe, R., Valestin, J., Brown, K., & Rao, S. S. (2011). This study compared the efficacy of psyllium and dried plums in treating constipation in adults. Results showed that both products were similar in improving stool frequency and consistency, but that dried plums had a more favorable effect on overall patient satisfaction.

Belorio, M., & GĂłmez, M. (2022). This article reviews the physico-chemical, nutritional and functional properties of psyllium, a soluble fiber extracted from the Plantago ovata plant. The authors highlighted the benefits of psyllium for human health, including regulating intestinal transit, reducing cholesterol and preventing diabetes. They also presented the potential applications of psyllium in food systems, as a thickening, gelling, stabilizing or texturizing agent.

Brum, J. M., Gibb, R. D., Peters, J. C., & Mattes, R. D. (2016). This study examined the effects of psyllium on satiety in healthy volunteers. Participants consumed a drink containing psyllium or a placebo before a buffet meal. Hunger, fullness, desire to eat and food consumption were measured. Results indicated that psyllium increased feelings of fullness and reduced food intake, suggesting a potential for weight control.

Jalanka, J., Major, G., Murray, K., Singh, G., Nowak, A., Kurtz, C., Silos-Santiago, I., Johnston, J. M., de Vos, W. M., & Spiller, R. (2019). This study evaluated the effect of psyllium on intestinal microbiota in constipated patients and healthy controls. Participants received psyllium or a placebo for four weeks. Stool samples were analyzed to determine microbiota composition and diversity. The results revealed that psyllium altered the gut microbiota differently depending on the group, with an increase in diversity in constipated patients and a decrease in healthy controls.

Jovanovski, E., Yashpal, S., Komishon, A., Zurbau, A., Blanco Mejia, S., Ho, H. V. T., Li, D., Sievenpiper, J., Duvnjak, L., & Vuksan, V. (2018). This systematic review and meta-analysis synthesized data from randomized clinical trials on the effect of psyllium on LDL cholesterol and other lipid targets, such as non-HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B. The authors concluded that psyllium significantly reduced these parameters, with greater effects in people with high cholesterol or who were overweight.

Ferreira, A., Petretti, C., & Vasina, B. (2015). This book introduces the principles of human food biology, explaining the physiological, biochemical and genetic mechanisms involved in digestion, absorption, metabolism and nutrient utilization. It also covers aspects of health, prevention and nutritional therapy.

Grosdidier, R. (2011). This guide provides an overview of the dietary supplements available on the market, describing their characteristics, indications, modes of action, side effects and interactions. It also provides practical advice on how to choose, use and store food supplements safely.

Vasson, M.-P. (2015). This book is aimed at healthcare professionals, particularly pharmacists, who wish to advise their customers on dietary supplements. It presents the different categories of dietary supplements, their benefits and risks, and current regulations. It also includes practical information sheets to guide customers according to their needs and profiles.

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